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Multi-modal LLM Based Evaluation

This module aims to implement the Multi-modal LLM based metric inspired by

Using Multi-modal LLM based metric for evaluation a diffusion model. The Weave UI gives us a holistic view of the evaluations to drill into individual ouputs and scores.


First, download the Spacy English langugage pipeline

python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
Next, you need to set your OpenAI API key:
Finallly, you can run the following snippet to evaluate your model:
import wandb
import weave

from hemm.eval_pipelines import BaseDiffusionModel, EvaluationPipeline
from hemm.metrics.vqa import MultiModalLLMEvaluationMetric
from hemm.metrics.vqa.judges.mmllm_judges import OpenAIJudge, PromptCategory

wandb.init(project="mllm-eval", job_type="evaluation")

dataset = weave.ref(dataset_ref).get()

diffusion_model = BaseDiffusionModel(
evaluation_pipeline = EvaluationPipeline(model=diffusion_model)

judge = OpenAIJudge(prompt_property=PromptCategory.complex)
metric = MultiModalLLMEvaluationMetric(judge=judge)




Bases: BaseMetric

Multi-modal LLM-based evaluation metric for an image-generation model.


Name Type Description Default
judge Union[Model, OpenAIJudge]

The judge LLM model to evaluate the generated images.

name Optional[str]

Name of the evaluation.

Source code in hemm/metrics/vqa/
class MultiModalLLMEvaluationMetric(BaseMetric):
    """Multi-modal LLM-based evaluation metric for an image-generation model.

        judge (Union[weave.Model, OpenAIJudge]): The judge LLM model to evaluate the generated images.
        name (Optional[str]): Name of the evaluation.

    def __init__(
        judge: Union[weave.Model, OpenAIJudge],
        name: Optional[str] = "mmllm_eval_metric",
    ) -> None:
        self.judge = judge
        self.config = self.judge.model_dump()
        self.prompt_property = judge.prompt_property
        self.scores = [] = name

    def evaluate(self, prompt: str, model_output: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Evaluate the generated image using the judge LLM model.

            prompt (str): The prompt for the model.
            model_output (Dict[str, Any]): The model output.
        judgements: List[OpenAIJudgeMent] = self.judge.predict(
            prompt=prompt, image=model_output["image"]
        score = sum([judgement.judgement.score for judgement in judgements])
        fractional_score = sum([judgement.fractional_score for judgement in judgements])
        evaluation_dict = {
            "score": score / len(judgements),
            "fractional_score": fractional_score / len(judgements),
        return evaluation_dict

    async def evaluate_async(
        self, prompt: str, model_output: Dict[str, Any]
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        return self.evaluate(prompt, model_output)

evaluate(prompt, model_output)

Evaluate the generated image using the judge LLM model.


Name Type Description Default
prompt str

The prompt for the model.

model_output Dict[str, Any]

The model output.

Source code in hemm/metrics/vqa/
def evaluate(self, prompt: str, model_output: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Evaluate the generated image using the judge LLM model.

        prompt (str): The prompt for the model.
        model_output (Dict[str, Any]): The model output.
    judgements: List[OpenAIJudgeMent] = self.judge.predict(
        prompt=prompt, image=model_output["image"]
    score = sum([judgement.judgement.score for judgement in judgements])
    fractional_score = sum([judgement.fractional_score for judgement in judgements])
    evaluation_dict = {
        "score": score / len(judgements),
        "fractional_score": fractional_score / len(judgements),
    return evaluation_dict



Bases: Model

OpenAI judge model for evaluating the generated images. The model uses OpenAI's GPT-4 model to evaluate the alignment of the generated images to the respective prompts using a chain-of-thought prompting strategy. The model is inspired by Section IV.D of the paper T2I-CompBench++: An Enhanced and Comprehensive Benchmark for Compositional Text-to-image Generation and Section 4.4 of the paper T2I-CompBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Open-world Compositional Text-to-image Generation.


Name Type Description Default
prompt_pipeline str

The Spacy pipeline to use for extracting the prompt parts.

prompt_property PromptCategory

The property of the prompt to evaluate.

openai_model str

The OpenAI model to use for evaluation.

max_retries int

The maximum number of retries for the OpenAI model.

seed int

Seed value for the random number generator.

system_prompt Optional[str]

The system prompt for the OpenAI model

Source code in hemm/metrics/vqa/judges/mmllm_judges/
class OpenAIJudge(weave.Model):
    """OpenAI judge model for evaluating the generated images. The model uses
    OpenAI's GPT-4 model to evaluate the alignment of the generated images to
    the respective prompts using a chain-of-thought prompting strategy. The model
    is inspired by Section IV.D of the paper
    [T2I-CompBench++: An Enhanced and Comprehensive Benchmark for Compositional Text-to-image Generation](
    and Section 4.4 of the paper
    [T2I-CompBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Open-world Compositional Text-to-image Generation](

        prompt_pipeline (str): The Spacy pipeline to use for extracting the prompt parts.
        prompt_property (PromptCategory): The property of the prompt to evaluate.
        openai_model (str): The OpenAI model to use for evaluation.
        max_retries (int): The maximum number of retries for the OpenAI model.
        seed (int): Seed value for the random number generator.
        system_prompt (Optional[str]): The system prompt for the OpenAI model

    prompt_pipeline: str
    prompt_property: PromptCategory
    openai_model: str
    max_retries: int
    seed: int
    _nlp_pipeline: spacy.Language = None
    _openai_client: OpenAI = None
    _instructor_openai_client: instructor.Instructor = None
    _total_score: int = 4

    def __init__(
        prompt_pipeline: str = "en_core_web_sm",
        prompt_property: PromptCategory = PromptCategory.color,
        openai_model: str = "gpt-4-turbo",
        max_retries: int = 5,
        seed: int = 42,
        )["spacy", "download", "en_core_web_sm"])
        self._nlp_pipeline = spacy.load(self.prompt_pipeline)
        self._openai_client = OpenAI(api_key=os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"])
        self._instructor_openai_client = instructor.from_openai(

    def extract_prompt_parts(self, prompt: str) -> List[TaggedPromptParts]:
        """Extract the prompt parts from the given prompt.

            prompt (str): The prompt to extract the parts from.

            List[TaggedPromptParts]: List of tagged prompt objects.
        doc = self._nlp_pipeline(prompt)
        tagged_prompt_parts: List[TaggedPromptParts] = []
        for chunk in doc.noun_chunks:
            chunk_np = chunk.text
            for token in list(chunk)[::-1]:
                if token.pos_ == "NOUN":
                    noun = token.lemma_
                    adjective = chunk_np.replace(f" {noun}", "")
                    adjective = adjective.replace("the ", "")
                    adjective = adjective.replace("a ", "")
                    adjective = adjective.replace("an ", "")
                TaggedPromptParts(entity=chunk_np, noun=noun, adjective=adjective)
        return tagged_prompt_parts

    def frame_question(self, prompt: str, image: Image.Image) -> List[JudgeQuestion]:
        """Frame the question corresponding to the given prompt and image for
        the chain-of-thought system of judgement.

            prompt (str): The prompt to frame the question for.
            image (Image.Image): The image to frame the question for.

            List[JudgeQuestion]: List of questions to ask for the given prompt.
        if self.prompt_property in [PromptCategory.spatial, PromptCategory.spatial_3d]:
            self._total_score = 5
            question = JudgeQuestion(
You are a helpful assistant meant to describe images is detail.
You should pay special attention to the objects and their spatial layout in the image.
You are a helpful assistant meant to identify objects and their spatial layout in the image.
You have to extract the question, the score, and the explanation from the user's response.
Looking at the image and given a detailed description of the image, evaluate if the text \"{prompt}\" is correctly portrayed in the image.
Give a score from 1 to 5, according to the following criteria:

5: correct spatial layout in the image for all objects mentioned in the text.
4: basically, spatial layout of objects matches the text.
3: spatial layout not aligned properly with the text.
2: image not aligned properly with the text.
1: image almost irrelevant to the text.

Here are some more rules for scoring that you should follow:
1. The shapes, layouts, orientations, and placements of the objects in the image should be realistic and adhere to physical constraints.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the shapes, layouts, orientations, and
    placements of the objects in the image.
2. The anatomy of characters, humans, and animals should also be realistic and adhere to realistic constraints, shapes, and proportions.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the anatomy of characters, humans, and animals
    in the image.
3. The spatial layout of the objects in the image should be consistent with the text prompt. You should deduct 1 point from the score if the
    spatial layout of the objects in the image is not consistent with the text prompt.
            return [(question, image)]
        elif self.prompt_property == PromptCategory.action:
            self._total_score = 5
            question = JudgeQuestion(
You are a helpful assistant meant to describe images is detail.
You should pay special attention to the the actions, events, objects and their relationships in the image.
You are a helpful assistant meant to identify the actions, events, objects and their relationships in the image.
You have to extract the question, the score, and the explanation from the user's response.
Looking at the image and given a detailed description of the image, evaluate if the text \"{prompt}\" is correctly portrayed in the image.
Give a score from 1 to 5, according to the following criteria:

5: the image accurately portrayed the actions, events and relationships between objects described in the text.
4: the image portrayed most of the actions, events and relationships but with minor discrepancies.
3: the image depicted some elements, but action relationships between objects are not correct.
2: the image failed to convey the full scope of the text.
1: the image did not depict any actions or events that match the text.

Here are some more rules for scoring that you should follow:
1. The shapes, layouts, orientations, and placements of the objects in the image should be realistic and adhere to physical constraints.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the shapes, layouts, orientations, and
    placements of the objects in the image.
2. The anatomy of characters, humans, and animals should also be realistic and adhere to realistic constraints, shapes, and proportions.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the anatomy of characters, humans, and animals
    in the image.
3. The spatial layout of the objects in the image should be consistent with the text prompt. You should deduct 1 point from the score if the
    spatial layout of the objects in the image is not consistent with the text prompt.
            return [(question, image)]
        elif self.prompt_property == PromptCategory.numeracy:
            self._total_score = 5
            question = JudgeQuestion(
You are a helpful assistant meant to describe images is detail.
You should pay special attention to the objects and their quantities in the image.
You are a helpful assistant meant to identify objects and their quantities in the image.
You have to extract the question, the score, and the explanation from the user's response.
Looking at the image and given a detailed description of the image, evaluate how well the image aligns with the text prompt: \"{prompt}\"
Give a score from 1 to 5, according to the following criteria:

5: correct numerical content in the image for all objects mentioned in the text
4: basically, numerical content of objects matches the text
3: numerical content not aligned properly with the text
2: image not aligned properly with the text
1: image almost irrelevant to the text

Here are some more rules for scoring that you should follow:
1. The shapes, layouts, orientations, and placements of the objects in the image should be realistic and adhere to physical constraints.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the shapes, layouts, orientations, and
    placements of the objects in the image.
2. The anatomy of characters, humans, and animals should also be realistic and adhere to realistic constraints, shapes, and proportions.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the anatomy of characters, humans, and animals
    in the image.
3. The spatial layout of the objects in the image should be consistent with the text prompt. You should deduct 1 point from the score if the
    spatial layout of the objects in the image is not consistent with the text prompt.
            return [(question, image)]
        elif self.prompt_property == PromptCategory.complex:
            self._total_score = 5
            question = JudgeQuestion(
You are a helpful assistant meant to describe images is detail.
You should pay special attention to the objects in the image and their attributes
(such as color, shape, texture), spatial layout and action relationships.
You are a helpful assistant meant to evaluate the correspondence of the image to a given text prompt.
Focus on the objects in the image and their attributes (such as color, shape, texture),
spatial layout and action relationships. You have to extract the question, the score, and the
explanation from the user's response.
Looking at the image and given a detailed description of the image, evaluate how well the image aligns with the text prompt: \"{prompt}\"
Give a score from 1 to 5, according to the following criteria:

5: the image perfectly matches the content of the text prompt with no discrepancies.
4: the image portrayed most of the actions, events and relationships but with minor discrepancies.
3: the image depicted some elements in the text prompt, but ignored some key parts or details.
2: the image did not depict any actions or events that match the text.
1: the image failed to convey the full scope in the text prompt.

Here are some more rules for scoring that you should follow:
1. The shapes, layouts, orientations, and placements of the objects in the image should be realistic and adhere to physical constraints.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the shapes, layouts, orientations, and
    placements of the objects in the image.
2. The anatomy of characters, humans, and animals should also be realistic and adhere to realistic constraints, shapes, and proportions.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the anatomy of characters, humans, and animals
    in the image.
3. The spatial layout of the objects in the image should be consistent with the text prompt. You should deduct 1 point from the score if the
    spatial layout of the objects in the image is not consistent with the text prompt.
            return [(question, image)]
        tagged_prompt_parts = self.extract_prompt_parts(prompt)
        questions: List[str] = []
        for tagged_prompt_part in tagged_prompt_parts:
            question = JudgeQuestion(
You are a helpful assistant meant to describe images is detail.
You should pay special attention to any objects and their {} in the given image.
You are a helpful assistant meant to identify any objects and their {}
in the given image. You have to extract the question, the score, and the explanation from the user's response.
Looking at the image and given a detailed description of the image, evaluate if there is a {tagged_prompt_part.entity} in the image.
Give a score from 1 to 4, according to the following criteria:

4: there is {tagged_prompt_part.noun}, and {} is {tagged_prompt_part.adjective}.
3: there is {tagged_prompt_part.noun}, {} is mostly {tagged_prompt_part.adjective}.
2: there is {tagged_prompt_part.noun}, but it is not {tagged_prompt_part.adjective}.
1: no {tagged_prompt_part.noun} in the image.

Here are some more rules for scoring that you should follow:
1. The shapes, layouts, orientations, and placements of the objects in the image should be realistic and adhere to physical constraints.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the shapes, layouts, orientations, and
    placements of the objects in the image.
2. The anatomy of characters, humans, and animals should also be realistic and adhere to realistic constraints, shapes, and proportions.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the anatomy of characters, humans, and animals
    in the image.
3. The spatial layout of the objects in the image should be consistent with the text prompt. You should deduct 1 point from the score if the
    spatial layout of the objects in the image is not consistent with the text prompt.
            questions.append((question, image))
        return questions

    def execute_chain_of_thought(
        self, question: JudgeQuestion, image: Image.Image
    ) -> OpenAIJudgeMent:
        image_description_explanation = (
                        "role": "system",
                        "content": question.image_desciption_system_prompt,
                        "role": "user",
                        "content": [
                                "type": "image_url",
                                "image_url": {"url": base64_encode_image(image)},
        question.judgement_question += f"""

Here is a detailed explanation of the image:

Provide your analysis and explanation to justify the score.
        judgement_response =
                    "role": "system",
                    "content": question.judgement_question_system_prompt,
                    "role": "user",
                    "content": [
                        {"type": "text", "text": question.judgement_question},
                            "type": "image_url",
                            "image_url": {"url": base64_encode_image(image)},
        return judgement_response

    def predict(self, prompt: str, image: Image.Image) -> List[OpenAIJudgeMent]:
        """Predict the score for the given prompt and image.

            prompt (str): The prompt to evaluate.
            image (Image.Image): The image to evaluate.
        questions = self.frame_question(prompt, image)
        answers = []
        for question, image in questions:
            judgement_response: JudgeMent = self.execute_chain_of_thought(
                question, image
            judgement_response.explanation = (
                f"The score is {judgement_response.score}/{self._total_score}. "
                + judgement_response.explanation
                    fractional_score=judgement_response.score / self._total_score,
        return answers


Extract the prompt parts from the given prompt.


Name Type Description Default
prompt str

The prompt to extract the parts from.



Type Description

List[TaggedPromptParts]: List of tagged prompt objects.

Source code in hemm/metrics/vqa/judges/mmllm_judges/
def extract_prompt_parts(self, prompt: str) -> List[TaggedPromptParts]:
    """Extract the prompt parts from the given prompt.

        prompt (str): The prompt to extract the parts from.

        List[TaggedPromptParts]: List of tagged prompt objects.
    doc = self._nlp_pipeline(prompt)
    tagged_prompt_parts: List[TaggedPromptParts] = []
    for chunk in doc.noun_chunks:
        chunk_np = chunk.text
        for token in list(chunk)[::-1]:
            if token.pos_ == "NOUN":
                noun = token.lemma_
                adjective = chunk_np.replace(f" {noun}", "")
                adjective = adjective.replace("the ", "")
                adjective = adjective.replace("a ", "")
                adjective = adjective.replace("an ", "")
            TaggedPromptParts(entity=chunk_np, noun=noun, adjective=adjective)
    return tagged_prompt_parts

frame_question(prompt, image)

Frame the question corresponding to the given prompt and image for the chain-of-thought system of judgement.


Name Type Description Default
prompt str

The prompt to frame the question for.

image Image

The image to frame the question for.



Type Description

List[JudgeQuestion]: List of questions to ask for the given prompt.

Source code in hemm/metrics/vqa/judges/mmllm_judges/
    def frame_question(self, prompt: str, image: Image.Image) -> List[JudgeQuestion]:
        """Frame the question corresponding to the given prompt and image for
        the chain-of-thought system of judgement.

            prompt (str): The prompt to frame the question for.
            image (Image.Image): The image to frame the question for.

            List[JudgeQuestion]: List of questions to ask for the given prompt.
        if self.prompt_property in [PromptCategory.spatial, PromptCategory.spatial_3d]:
            self._total_score = 5
            question = JudgeQuestion(
You are a helpful assistant meant to describe images is detail.
You should pay special attention to the objects and their spatial layout in the image.
You are a helpful assistant meant to identify objects and their spatial layout in the image.
You have to extract the question, the score, and the explanation from the user's response.
Looking at the image and given a detailed description of the image, evaluate if the text \"{prompt}\" is correctly portrayed in the image.
Give a score from 1 to 5, according to the following criteria:

5: correct spatial layout in the image for all objects mentioned in the text.
4: basically, spatial layout of objects matches the text.
3: spatial layout not aligned properly with the text.
2: image not aligned properly with the text.
1: image almost irrelevant to the text.

Here are some more rules for scoring that you should follow:
1. The shapes, layouts, orientations, and placements of the objects in the image should be realistic and adhere to physical constraints.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the shapes, layouts, orientations, and
    placements of the objects in the image.
2. The anatomy of characters, humans, and animals should also be realistic and adhere to realistic constraints, shapes, and proportions.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the anatomy of characters, humans, and animals
    in the image.
3. The spatial layout of the objects in the image should be consistent with the text prompt. You should deduct 1 point from the score if the
    spatial layout of the objects in the image is not consistent with the text prompt.
            return [(question, image)]
        elif self.prompt_property == PromptCategory.action:
            self._total_score = 5
            question = JudgeQuestion(
You are a helpful assistant meant to describe images is detail.
You should pay special attention to the the actions, events, objects and their relationships in the image.
You are a helpful assistant meant to identify the actions, events, objects and their relationships in the image.
You have to extract the question, the score, and the explanation from the user's response.
Looking at the image and given a detailed description of the image, evaluate if the text \"{prompt}\" is correctly portrayed in the image.
Give a score from 1 to 5, according to the following criteria:

5: the image accurately portrayed the actions, events and relationships between objects described in the text.
4: the image portrayed most of the actions, events and relationships but with minor discrepancies.
3: the image depicted some elements, but action relationships between objects are not correct.
2: the image failed to convey the full scope of the text.
1: the image did not depict any actions or events that match the text.

Here are some more rules for scoring that you should follow:
1. The shapes, layouts, orientations, and placements of the objects in the image should be realistic and adhere to physical constraints.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the shapes, layouts, orientations, and
    placements of the objects in the image.
2. The anatomy of characters, humans, and animals should also be realistic and adhere to realistic constraints, shapes, and proportions.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the anatomy of characters, humans, and animals
    in the image.
3. The spatial layout of the objects in the image should be consistent with the text prompt. You should deduct 1 point from the score if the
    spatial layout of the objects in the image is not consistent with the text prompt.
            return [(question, image)]
        elif self.prompt_property == PromptCategory.numeracy:
            self._total_score = 5
            question = JudgeQuestion(
You are a helpful assistant meant to describe images is detail.
You should pay special attention to the objects and their quantities in the image.
You are a helpful assistant meant to identify objects and their quantities in the image.
You have to extract the question, the score, and the explanation from the user's response.
Looking at the image and given a detailed description of the image, evaluate how well the image aligns with the text prompt: \"{prompt}\"
Give a score from 1 to 5, according to the following criteria:

5: correct numerical content in the image for all objects mentioned in the text
4: basically, numerical content of objects matches the text
3: numerical content not aligned properly with the text
2: image not aligned properly with the text
1: image almost irrelevant to the text

Here are some more rules for scoring that you should follow:
1. The shapes, layouts, orientations, and placements of the objects in the image should be realistic and adhere to physical constraints.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the shapes, layouts, orientations, and
    placements of the objects in the image.
2. The anatomy of characters, humans, and animals should also be realistic and adhere to realistic constraints, shapes, and proportions.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the anatomy of characters, humans, and animals
    in the image.
3. The spatial layout of the objects in the image should be consistent with the text prompt. You should deduct 1 point from the score if the
    spatial layout of the objects in the image is not consistent with the text prompt.
            return [(question, image)]
        elif self.prompt_property == PromptCategory.complex:
            self._total_score = 5
            question = JudgeQuestion(
You are a helpful assistant meant to describe images is detail.
You should pay special attention to the objects in the image and their attributes
(such as color, shape, texture), spatial layout and action relationships.
You are a helpful assistant meant to evaluate the correspondence of the image to a given text prompt.
Focus on the objects in the image and their attributes (such as color, shape, texture),
spatial layout and action relationships. You have to extract the question, the score, and the
explanation from the user's response.
Looking at the image and given a detailed description of the image, evaluate how well the image aligns with the text prompt: \"{prompt}\"
Give a score from 1 to 5, according to the following criteria:

5: the image perfectly matches the content of the text prompt with no discrepancies.
4: the image portrayed most of the actions, events and relationships but with minor discrepancies.
3: the image depicted some elements in the text prompt, but ignored some key parts or details.
2: the image did not depict any actions or events that match the text.
1: the image failed to convey the full scope in the text prompt.

Here are some more rules for scoring that you should follow:
1. The shapes, layouts, orientations, and placements of the objects in the image should be realistic and adhere to physical constraints.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the shapes, layouts, orientations, and
    placements of the objects in the image.
2. The anatomy of characters, humans, and animals should also be realistic and adhere to realistic constraints, shapes, and proportions.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the anatomy of characters, humans, and animals
    in the image.
3. The spatial layout of the objects in the image should be consistent with the text prompt. You should deduct 1 point from the score if the
    spatial layout of the objects in the image is not consistent with the text prompt.
            return [(question, image)]
        tagged_prompt_parts = self.extract_prompt_parts(prompt)
        questions: List[str] = []
        for tagged_prompt_part in tagged_prompt_parts:
            question = JudgeQuestion(
You are a helpful assistant meant to describe images is detail.
You should pay special attention to any objects and their {} in the given image.
You are a helpful assistant meant to identify any objects and their {}
in the given image. You have to extract the question, the score, and the explanation from the user's response.
Looking at the image and given a detailed description of the image, evaluate if there is a {tagged_prompt_part.entity} in the image.
Give a score from 1 to 4, according to the following criteria:

4: there is {tagged_prompt_part.noun}, and {} is {tagged_prompt_part.adjective}.
3: there is {tagged_prompt_part.noun}, {} is mostly {tagged_prompt_part.adjective}.
2: there is {tagged_prompt_part.noun}, but it is not {tagged_prompt_part.adjective}.
1: no {tagged_prompt_part.noun} in the image.

Here are some more rules for scoring that you should follow:
1. The shapes, layouts, orientations, and placements of the objects in the image should be realistic and adhere to physical constraints.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the shapes, layouts, orientations, and
    placements of the objects in the image.
2. The anatomy of characters, humans, and animals should also be realistic and adhere to realistic constraints, shapes, and proportions.
    You should deduct 1 point from the score if there are any deformations with respect to the anatomy of characters, humans, and animals
    in the image.
3. The spatial layout of the objects in the image should be consistent with the text prompt. You should deduct 1 point from the score if the
    spatial layout of the objects in the image is not consistent with the text prompt.
            questions.append((question, image))
        return questions

predict(prompt, image)

Predict the score for the given prompt and image.


Name Type Description Default
prompt str

The prompt to evaluate.

image Image

The image to evaluate.

Source code in hemm/metrics/vqa/judges/mmllm_judges/
def predict(self, prompt: str, image: Image.Image) -> List[OpenAIJudgeMent]:
    """Predict the score for the given prompt and image.

        prompt (str): The prompt to evaluate.
        image (Image.Image): The image to evaluate.
    questions = self.frame_question(prompt, image)
    answers = []
    for question, image in questions:
        judgement_response: JudgeMent = self.execute_chain_of_thought(
            question, image
        judgement_response.explanation = (
            f"The score is {judgement_response.score}/{self._total_score}. "
            + judgement_response.explanation
                fractional_score=judgement_response.score / self._total_score,
    return answers